Book/Software Author, Title, Specifics |
Current Price* |
Specials |
Adams, Cyril & Robert, Braden, Lock, Stock & Barrel - Making an English Shotgun & Shooting with Consistency, HC, reprint |
$29.95 | |
Akehurst, Richard, Game Guns and Rifles - From Percussion to Hammerless Ejector in Britain, (HC), 178 pgs. |
Askins, Charles, Shotgun-ology - A Handbook of Useful Shotgun Information, 2007 reprint of 1926 ed., 63 pgs, SC |
$20.00 | |
Askins, Charles, Modern Shotguns and Loads, 1992 reprint, 416 pgs. (HC) |
$37.50 | |
Austyn, Christopher, Modern Sporting Guns, 128 pgs., HC |
$40.00 | |
Bacon, Peter Land, Lust & Gun Smoke - History of Game Shoots in Ireland, 320 pgs., HC |
$75.00 | |
Baker, David, Twenty Thousand Shots: The Writings of a Remarkable Victorian Amateur Ballistician, 2018, 260 pgs., (HC) |
$40.00 | |
Bennett, Logan, Training Grouse and Woodcock Dogs, HC, 146 pgs. |
$24.95 | |
Beyer, Rich, The Hunter Arms Co & The L. C. Smith Gun, 2005, 2nd revised ed., 113 pgs. (SC) |
$40.00 | |
Birmingham, Proof House, Notes on the Proof of Shotguns & Other Small Arms, 1993, 37 pgs. (SC) |
$25.00 | |
Boone & Crockett Club, American Big-Game Hunting, HC, 345 pgs. |
$45.00 | |
Boothroyd, Geoffrey, The British Over-And-Under Shotgun, (HC), 128 pgs |
$35.00 | |
Boothroyd, Geoffrey, Shotguns and Gunsmiths - The Vintage Years, 1986, 240 pgs., (HC) |
$55.00 | |
Buck, Bruce, Shotguns on Review, HC, 250 pgs. |
$30.00 | |
Campbell, John, The Birth of the Boxlock Shotgun - The Inside Story of Anson & Deeley,Westley Richards, Harrington & Richardson & the Perfection of the Hammerless Action 2020, 120 pgs., SC |
$29.95 | |
Cooley, Graham and Newton, John, Cogswell & Harrison - Two Centuries of Gunmaking, 128 pgs., HC |
$40.00 | |
Côté, Daniel Phillip The Double Gun Journal Subscription and back issue info |
$$$$$$ | *Note: As of 7/2022 Double Gun Journal has ceased production of new issues. Subscription orders are no longer available. We have numerous back issues available plus the index and readers. In addition there will be an index #3 produced and available in the near future. |
Côté, Daniel Phillip The Double Gun Journal Index & Reader VOLUME 1 (HC), 250 pgs. |
$125.00 | $15 S&H CONUS deliveries happy to quote others. |
Côté, Daniel Phillip The Double Gun Journal Index & Reader VOLUME II 1997-2005 (HC) |
$49.95 | $15 S&H CONUS deliveries happy to quote others. |
Available as a set: Côté, Daniel Phillip Côté, Daniel Phillip |
$175.00 | $15 S&H for CONUS delivers happy to quote others. |
Crudington, Ian & Baker, David, The British Shotgun, Vol. 1 - 1850-1870, HC, 256 pgs. |
$75.00 | |
Crudington, Ian & Baker, David, The British Shotgun, Vol. 2 - 1870-1890, HC, 256 pgs. |
$75.00 | |
Crudington, Ian & Baker, David, The British Shotgun, Vol. 3 - 1890 - 2011, HC, 320 pgs. |
$75.00 | |
Custom (The) Rifle Gazette, Volume 1, Issue 1,
July 1995 150 pgs., SC |
$25.00 | |
Dallas, Donald, Boss & Co. Builders of Best Guns Only, signed, 1st ed., 336 pgs., HC |
$85.00 | |
Dallas, Donald, Alexander Henry, Rifle Maker, 2017, signed, 328 pgs., HC |
$125.00 | |
Dallas, Donald, David McKay Brown - Scotland's Gun & Rifle Manuf., 232 pgs., signed, HC |
$125.00 | |
Daly, Prussian Charles (Devers, Tom, Georgi,
Ken, Ellenburg, Raimey, Hummel, Richard & Pfingsten, Hans, editors) Prussian Charles Daly Imports Catalog, 86 pgs. (SC) |
$45.00 | |
Dixon, James & Sons, The Dixon Catalogue of 1883, (SC), reprint 61 pgs. |
$30.00 | |
Dixon, James & Sons, Lock, Stock & Barrel - Shooting Accessories, 26 pgs., SC |
$20.00 | |
Figiel, Leo, On Damascus Steel, HC, 145 pgs. |
$65.00 | |
Fjestad, Steve, Blue Book of Gun Values, (SC), 2400+ pgs. |
$49.95 Plus $5 S&H |
Fleming, Bill, Prices Paid for British Sporting Rifle Cartridges, 1991, 32 pgs., SC |
$20.00 | |
Francotte, A. Francotte & Co. Catalog 1930 reprint, French text, (SC), 68 pgs. |
$25.00 | |
Friedr Wilh Heym, Gun Catalog, reprint of 1920's catalog, 26 pgs., SC |
$25.00 |
German Gun Collectors Assoc., Journal of German Gun Coll. - Combinations Guns!, Vol. 44, 51 pgs., SC | $35.00 | |
Groziak, Richard, Game Gun, 2002, 201 pgs., HC |
$25.00 | |
Gunther, Roy, et al., (Trade Edition) The Parker Story, 2 Volume Set, (HC), 1044 pgs. *Currently sold out of 1st quality editions. We do have a limited number of blemished sets at $320 each. Please email to confirm price & availability: |
$320.00 | |
Hadoke, Diggory, The British Boxlock Gun and Rifle, 2012, 224 pgs., HC |
$50.00 | |
Hadoke, Diggory Hammer Guns: In Theory and Practice, 2016, 216 pgs., HC |
$50.00 | |
Hammond, S. T., My Friend the Partridge, HC, 148 pgs. |
$17.95 | |
Harding, C. W., The Birmingham Cartridge Manufacturers, 280 pgs., HC |
$75.00 | |
Harding, C. W., British Cartridge Manufacturers, Loaders & Retailer, 288 pgs., HC |
$75.00 | |
Hoyem, George, The History and Development of Small Arms Ammunition Volume 3 Revised 2005, 220 pgs., HC |
$60.00 | |
$20.00 | |
Kirton, Jonathan, Daniel Fraser - Gun and Rifle Maker of Edinburgh, 2014, 274 pgs., HC |
$145.00 | |
Knight, John, Woodcock, HC, 161 pgs. |
$21.95 | |
Manton Manton & Company "Centenary" Catalog, 1925 reprint, SC, 146 pgs. |
$30.00 | |
McIntosh, Michael & Headrick, William Gamefield Classics, 2008, 133 pgs., deluxe ltd. ed. 500 copies, full leather binding, slipcased (HC) |
$75.00 | |
Marsh, Jim, Pte. Mouillee Shooting Club, 2015, 174 pgs., HC |
$40.00 | |
Money, Capt. Albert ("Blue Rock"), Pigeon Shooting, (HC), 101 pgs. |
$40.00 | |
Niles, Jr., Nicholas, Niles' Guide to Affordable Double Barrel Shotguns in America 1875-1945, 2012, 509 pgs., HC |
$70.00 | |
Oberfell, George & Thompson, Charles, The Mysteries of Shotgun Patters, 164 pgs., SC |
$40.00 | |
O'Connor, Jack (Casada, Jim, ed.), Classic O'Connor - 45 Worldwide Hunting Adventures, 2010, 400 pgs., HC - |
$75.00 | |
J. P. Sauer & Sohn Suhl, Sporting Guns & Automatic Pistols Catalog, reprint of 1930 catalog, 60 pgs., SC | $25.00 | |
Semmer, Charles G., Remington Double Shotguns, (HC), 289 pgs. |
$75.00 |
Smith, Edmund Ware, Tall Tales and Short, 1992, 187 pgs., HC |
$35.00 | |
Spiller, Burton, Firelight, 186 pgs., HC |
$19.95 | |
Tate, Douglas, Birmingham Gunmakers, 1997, 189 pgs. (HC) |
$95.00 | |
Tate, Douglas, British Gun Engraving, 1999, 274 pgs., ltd. ed. 500 copies, numbered, signed, slipcased (HC) |
$110.00 | |
Thomas, Gough (G. T. Garwood), Gough Thomas Gun Book, 273 pgs., HC |
$40.00 | |
Venters, Vic, Gun Craft: Fine Guns & Gunmakers in the 21st Century, 200 pgs., signed, HC |
$40.00 | |
Walsh, J. H., ("Stonehenge"), The Modern Sportsman's Gun and Rifle, Vol. 2 - The Rifle, HC, 582 pgs. |
$55.00 | |
Wieland, Terry, Spanish Treasure Gun Catalog for AYA (Aguirre y Aranzabal), 32 pgs., SC |
$25.00 | |
Wilson, R. L & Lee, Robert M., The Art of the Gun - Intro. to the Robert M. Lee Collection, 2002, 36 pgs., (HC) |
$20.00 | |
Wirnsberg, Gerhard, The Standard Directory of Proof Marks, 192 pgs., SC |
$35.00 | |
Yardley, Michael, Gunfitting - The Quest for Perfection for Shotguns and Rifles, Revised Edition, 223 pgs., HC |
$60.00 |
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