While our health care system leaves quite a bit to be desired, I have also heard some horror stories about other countries systems as well. I do know this, as was previously mentioned, our free market health system is very entrenched. Not only that, but our we are an economy that is based upon a capitalist system where supply and demand is paramount.

Now, some will and can argue that there is no place in the medical business where a free market and capitalism should prevail over and above the care of a person in need. I will say that NO person in this country has ever been denied health care based on the ability to pay.

Too many people are earning a good living in the medical businss. From housekeepers, nurses, supply companies, food companies, etc. It aint just the doctors. How would they all be affected by a nationalized health care system.

How much would taxes go up? And, what next? Nationalised food costs? How about government automobile?

Not to mention, the President has very, very little that he/she can do to get this program through. They can suggest, lobby, and pray and preach, but the legislative branch is still the one that has to write and pass the law. President ain't king.... No matter what Bill thought.