I wonder what liberals would say if a conservative claimed to believe in abortion rights but that abortion could be restricted in the same way? Let's put the same restrictions on abortion and the first amendment like the second amendment. After all, "no right is absolute, and all are subject to reasonable restrictions". Would the liberals accept this person as pro-abortion or pro-first amendment? NOT! They would go absolutely NUTS!

Obama is a board memeber of the Joyce Foundation, a rabid anti-gun organization.

What is "common sense" and "reasonable" is a fluid term. The real question is reasonable to whom? Guns have been around longer than this nation has been in existence. So, why are we constantly seeing these senseless violent public attacks only within the last few years? Back in the 70's and 80's the media stopped publishing or mentioning the names of streakers at major sporting and public events because all they wanted was to get attention and have their names in the news. Now when someone pops a cork and goes on a rampage, their life gets analyzed in the media for a month. The kid in Nebraska who shot up that mall said more than he realized in his suicide note when he said "Now I'll be famous..."

The problem is our rotten culture, which is dominated by the liberal media and the liberal so-called entertainment industry. The violence in this nation corolates with the violence in our media and long term exposure to it.

Last edited by JM; 02/15/08 04:49 PM.