eightbore, I apologise to you and the 99% of NSSA shooters who are salt of the earth. I took one bad experience, I guess and let it colour my judgement. I suppose what I was trying to say, not very well, was that the top shooters in NSSA, as well as the top shooters in International Skeet and Trap are class acts and do not run around telling people how bloody marvellous they are, they do not have to. We know.
Larry, yes,well Haley came on the scene after I quit refereeing at the top level due to vision difficulties, but I do follow the progress of the USA Shooting guys and girls even today. I have refereed Kim Rhode since she was sixteen, she is a super shooter, and like you, I think it is a shame USA Shooting can't send both to China. I think the high spot of my career as an Olympic judge over the years was getting to know Lloyd Woodhouse, the USA Olympic shotgun coach. If there is a classier guy around, I have yet to meet him