Luckiest shot(s)

Dove hunting 30yrs ago and posted behind a small cedar on a fence row, Beretta 20ga O/U in hand. I looked around the cedar and saw 5 coming pretty much abreast. On approach I stepped out and shot at far right bird, killing it and one that was THIRD from the right. I swung past the cedar and killed the next bird as they were leaving. 3 doves with 2 shots will help your daily avg.

Best shot

Deer hunting on a power line in SC, I was up a power pole about 40ft standing on a piece of plywood. Just got settled in when a doe and 2 spikes came across the cleared power line, running full out.
I had a 742 in 30-06 with a peep sight. Took all three between 40- 100 yrds, all three running full out with 4 shots.

Move over Homeless Joe.

Last edited by C.R. Sides; 12/23/07 12:49 AM.