When Oscar was alive and often used to post examples of his work here, I had a pretty good quality colour printer. The quality of his work was so outstanding that I got into the habit of printing off everything that he posted here. I was also playing around with refinishing some scrap barrels as a learning experience. I corresponded directly with Oscar about the process on several occasions. He was good enough to e-mail some colour photos of his work to me which may or may not have been published elsewhere, I really don't know. This was before I retired and as I had a commercial-duty laminator in my office at the time, I laminated all of that stuff, as well as scanning, printing, and laminating his series in DGJ. I have all of that stuff set up in a 3-ring binder. I don't think that the lamination would interfere with re-scanning what I have but the process would be lengthy, the file huge, and when completed, I have absolutely no idea how to post it here.

Last edited by Ron Vella; 12/04/07 07:58 AM.