Soon, my friend.
I hope to bring my Stormy friend with me and perhaps your Portsmouth helping hand will join us.
It will give this old man great pleasure.
As an aside---those with the many years of reading seem to wend their way to you that have breathed the dust. Hat in hand and pocket book open. Such is life and as it should be. Even Popes bowed before the da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello and Bernini art.
Few man have achieved such status. It is not reading that brought men such as you to the pennacle. It is God given talent, strength of ideal and a lust for greatness instead. Yep, few will have it written that they are/were great. I am pleased to have known one that is.

Humble member of the League of Extraodinary Gentlemen (LEG). Joined 14 March, 2006. Member #1.