John, Stephen Hutton....Gunsmith Extrordinaire" was here Wed. is giving "Helping Hand" with "Waterlogged From Scottish Moors,Bogs.Flooded Land Rover, etc.Pair of Henry Atkin 12b's. Sure is nice to have someone working on the Bench with me who knows exactly the correct proceedure for 'Doing all this Stuff" That we Of the chosen few are cursed to do for the rest of our lives.....Oh to have had the opportunity of a College 4 yrs. instead of learning to eat French Walnut dust soaked in Youngs'303'....Beach Boys, Connie Francis.The Carpenters.....Jimmy H. Gratefull D.Gerry Mulligan, Brubeck.Pom-Poms.Back Seats of 59 Chevy,s..Such is life!!So John, next time you head East, give a"Bell"..dt.