It has Happened!!!!My piece of Geoffrey Boothroyd Real English String that I have been 'Hanging' Guns & Rifles in for the last 15 yrs, from the overhead hot-water pipe in my Workshop,(AKA,The Museum of Perpetual Mess"...went and Broke')The 2 yr old James Purdey & Sons 28b O/U that I was measuring the "Point of Balance" for this Discussion that has been'Percolating' on this DG/Shop for several wks.The Gun was on its way to the'Deck"(NON BOUNCE 50yr old Concrete)Usually my Old English Springer,Wellington' would be in his well padded basket underneath, but he recently 'Passed on to theFields & Covers where he can run to his Old hearts content.The 'Absolutely Pristeen Condition" Purdey O/U. Didnot reach Ground Zero!! My Beloved Significant Other' Eileen, who has been'Racheting in my Ear for months,Why dont you make a Proper Noose'with 13 Knots.because that 'Crappy bit of Scottish String is ready to break!!She just happened to be doing a 'Tea run"....and managed to catch the (Aprox Replacement Cost $130,000.00)'Little Bugger as it was "Falling Earthwards"....So no damage done,let the customer know the cost of a new piece of Scottish'Hemp" will be charged to his account.....Just joking!!So my question is to the 'Person who has planted the 'Seed' into several of my Clients Minds..I dont understand how a gun can be balanced "At the Trigger"? Its set to the rear of the"Cross-Pin" (British Gunmakers Term) "Hinge-Pin"(Others)I would like be able to explain to my Client,(Who I have just Re-Stocked/Re-Barreled his Pair of Boss 12b c 1880,Perks Pat.Side-Locks)why I willnot change the"Point of Balance" just because "A poster on Double GunShop has a Theory"!!In Anticipation of a Reply....CC/dt