If you find a nice, old break-open single-shot at a good price, I would encourage you to grab it and worry about finding reloading components later. There are a couple of good books on forming brass for obsolete calibres (Donnely and Nonte) but in truth there are very few that Bertram doesn't make brass for, and there's probably still plenty of BELL brass around. Bullet molds can be made for any projectile, or a push-through resizer used to knock down a common calibre to an 'exotic' one. This generally only has to be done once to give you years of shooting.

My own Paradox plans are now on hold, due solely to finances. I found a nice .470 double that I couldn't live without, so I am now 'economically impaired' for the short to medium term!

...a happy circumstance, nonetheless! I'd rather have my money in guns than in the bank!