Fellows, Reading this thread reminded of something I read in ' Modern Shotguns and Loads' by Capt. Charles Askins(1929). He queried the major American double gun companies about the amount of handwork they put into their models, to wit, the Hunter Arms Co. stated that handwork on their models anounts to between 40 and 80 percent of the entire cost; Parker from 60% in the lower grades to as high as 90% in the higher grades; A.H. Fox said 70% for the cheaper grades up to 95% for the highest grades, such a gun being almost entirely handmade. Regarding the Smith gun, his personal opinion was that the rotary top bolt was the best fastener for a doublegun yet devised. I have never seen this information in any other publication. It makes you understand why these companies could not remain in business after WW2. Regards, Sandlapper