The funny thing is, on the original portion of the lever, there is a very clear stamp.. 380. I wonder if it is actually a 380? My confusion is the mold casting measures less than .380 and my very knowledgable friend who checked it out said it is definitely a .360. I am not an expert on bullet casting, even that is an overstatement. I know nothing of how to determine proper calibers from a casting. I bought the gun because it is cool looking and I like single shots and it was very affordable. There you go! The rifling is worn but my friend said it is clean and shootable. That was my conclusion on a visual inspection too.
Mike, a rook gun is more like a powerful sling shot, right? I want it to be a target rifle even if it is for shorter distances, and maybe a varmint gun. not something that lobs lead 50 yards. Is that too harsh?