One of our forum members, mc, has 2 Greener A&D guns both marked Joseph Brazier Ashes on the action under the bottom plate.

Greener certainly had a licence from Westley Richards to build A&D guns, that is mentioned in the Facile Princeps Patent litigation. As Greener had already bought a licence from Westley Richards it prevented him from arguing that the A&D was not an original invention.

As I understand it, the firm that put their name on the gun and sold it as “theirs” was the one who had to have the licence, so if Reilly had a licence from Westley Richards Brazier may not have needed one. Westley Richards would get their 15 shillings per gun royalties in any event.

As to whether a boxlock can be a best gun, W. W. Greener would build you a best sidelock if you insisted but made it clear that that he regarded the boxlock as a better action and generally built all his very best guns as boxlocks.

In William Evans 1895 (?) catalogue he shows a price range but all grades including the best at £47/10/- can be ordered as either sidelock or boxlock.

My Edwinson Green BLE, specially ordered in 1894, had Whitworth chopper lump barrels, Tudor Rose chiselled fences, and profuse engravings. It was £35 plus 3 guineas surcharge for the Whitworth barrels and I would rate it as a best gun in any company.

Last edited by Parabola; 06/26/23 04:43 PM.