Once upon a time, it was possible for a guy to pay a relatively modest sum to have a set of replacement barrels made in Europe. Unfortunately, those days are long gone.

I am assuming the forend is not missing here. So while this DHE Parker will never be worth as much as an original in equal condition, it is also much cheaper to buy now. And keep in mind that if you could have decent replacement barrels built today, it would cost you several times the entire cost of this Parker. You would also have to contend with shipping the frame overseas, deal with export and import hassles and expenses, worry about loss, and probably wait some time for completion and return. If you bought it now and find you can shoot it well, I think it is nicer than some brand new import doubles that cost more. You can even try to negotiate an even lower price. And if you ever decided to sell it, I don't think you would ever have to take much of a loss, if any.

I have a lot more regrets about guns I talked myself out of buying than any I actually bought. And Ed is right about owning tangible assets versus dollars that lose more value every day that the Democrats are ruining the economy. This decision is a lot like our fraudulent president.... a virtual no-brainer!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.