Originally Posted by ClapperZapper
It’s a funny thing, the simplicity of this site, which many lament, is also one of its charms.

My experience has been that every software upgrade loses more than it gains.

I tend to agree with CZ here. But really, there aren't all that many who "lament" the simplicity of this site. Actually, the laments come mostly from one whining crybaby who apparently is not as intelligent as he wants us to believe. He despises this website, yet returns every day for more self-abuse and torture. An army of shrinks couldn't fix him.

He whines about the difficulty of posting photos here. But it is so quick and easy that a small child could do it. Same with the search function. I never had a problem finding anything here that I was able to recall. In fact, it really bothered the crap out of some not so honest folks here that I was always able to easily QUOTE things they said in the past, and later denied. We had one now deceased Canadian Liberal here who was frequently able to deny his own words, even if I provided an unedited quote along with the date he made it, and the post number.

Lloyd, I don't know specifically what you may be searching for in that Pinfire Game Gun thread, but it appears that your difficulties might be due to the great length of the thread. While it was not as long as War and Peace or the fictional account of E.M. Reilly, it did go on for years. It seems a general search is limited to 200 results, so if you want something further back in time, you will have to use the Advanced Search option, and try an older date range.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.