Thanks, fellas. To get one to fly across a river isn't difficult provided one finds a turkey willing enough to do it. It's just finding that once in a lifetime bird. wink I've had them fly across and over impenetrable brush barriers, had them wade through water up to their feathers, fly across a flooded 10 yard wide slough, but never had one in 47 seasons fly across a flooded wide river swamp until Sunday. The most remarkable airborne crossing I know of was over 200 yards of the Altamaha River. Dale reaped the benefit of that mistake. He said the bird never flapped a wing, but glided the distance after lifting off the high bank on the other side of the river. Yet more often than not we've all had them throw out the anchor when faced with a firebreak filled with water. They do what they want to do and we just happen to be there when they do it--one way or the other. Gil