Originally Posted by Marks_21
I rarely speak as if I know something as a fact, but I will bite on this one....

It is also my opinion that the checkering lines that meet on the bottom would have run parallel to the center line of the gun and not radiused out as they are. The factory had patterns, and they followed them. It was not So loose as to miss the grip coverage and the bottom line just because somebody felt like doing something different that day.

Originally Posted by Marks_21
Certainly it could be recheckered- and surely was if (WHEN) converted. Show me any original straight grip checkering on any maker that curves out on the bottom like that.

Any serious Lefever collector who has been paying attention would know that there are a number of factory original guns that show some deviation, or vary from "standard" factory checkering patterns for a given grade. Here's a pic of the lower guard tang area and checkering on an original straight grip H Grade Lefever that I picked up awhile back for parts. Anyone can see that the checkering pattern used on this H Grade is clearly much different than the photo of the same area in the picture of the long tang H Grade that I posted here in my first post.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this photo says it in only two words... You're wrong.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

I'm hoping that this post shows up soon, instead of appearing 3 to 5 days after I submitted it. I submitted a post in Darryl's Hun's at below zero Thread nearly a week ago, and it still hasn't appeared.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.