Just wait oh ye of little faith and deficiencies in right brain "holistic reasoning functions, transduction of visual and musical stimuli, spatial manipulation, and artistic ability..."
The Arabesque: Meaning and Transformation of an Ornament just got in on Inter-Library loan

Excellent observation Raimey-all the Remington damascus patterns are up on the 'Colt and Remington Damascus' album

This is Ross' B Grade 1894 with fine "Three-stripe" "Oxford 4 S.J." The scrolls in the pattern on the Purdey are smaller, and a big however is the fact that Remington almost certainly obtained their damascus from Belgium. We've been able to identify several makers, but still don't know who 'S.J.' might have been. The search goes on.

Last edited by revdocdrew; 10/22/07 12:50 PM.