Originally Posted by rocky mtn bill
John, I'm a conservative on very few issues because the R's oppose every action we need now to maintain a livable future. As hunters, we can set aside questions of gun control. We're in no danger of losing hunting firearms. What we're in eminent danger of losing is habitat, our own and that of the game we love. In my hunting lifetime, I've seen major declines in fish, birds, and big game though the latter are doing well here now. Access to hunt is in steep decline, much of it due to declines in agricultural landowners being replaced by hobby ranchers and summer people who want to own five acres of prime winter range. On the whole, I'm fed up with dog-eat-dog, hatred- based politics, and the main source of that has just announced his 2024 run. The Dems don't do everything right, but they do try to address the big issues instead of pretending things ought to go on as if this were still 1950.

You are brAin dead...