Thanks Stanton. Actually the "44" and fact father was killed in Normandy should be a clue that I am 78 going on 79.

In the 1970's the CIA ran a psychological study on aging rulers. They found that as death approached, these men became more aggressive trying to obtain their life-long goals before they passed from the scene. A lot of people attributed Afghanistan December 1979 Soviet invasion (Not the 29 April 1978 overthrow of Da'ud Khan) to Brezhnev, his dream of the age-old Russian push for a warm-water port, and to American perceived weakness after Vietnam, Carter and the Iran hostage imbroglio.

Both you and Ted may be right about Putin's Ukraine debacle. It may well be that he decided now or never after the Kabul fiasco. Interesting to re-read my Sophomore college Political Science 1963 textbook "Politics Among Nations" by Hans J. Mortanthau, who discussed exactly this. Nations are kids in a sandbox. If you look like a victim, you will be mugged. And that's when world threatening mistakes are made.

And to make this relevant, I still have that old home-made Baluch SxS from Quetta. I really like that locking system!! Simple and effective. Makes you wonder about the need for double and triple bites.
[Linked Image from]

Last edited by Argo44; 11/12/22 10:06 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch