Culture cynégétique - hunting culture
Creusot? - hammered? (A mining/metallurgy center but believe it meant "hammered' in the use I saw.)
Chasse (m) sous Bois - Upland woods hunting
Déboulé (m)? - unleashed; in the wild
Empreinte (f) de chambre - chamber cast
Forage - boring (of barrels)
Gerbe - pattern
Gerbe de Plombe - shot pattern
Jauge d’alésage - bore gauge
Moulage (m) de chambre - chamber cast
Muni - fitted
NY D'Imphay? - (some alloy I would suppose)
Recuit - annealed
Usiné – machined

I can no longer edit the first page dictionary. I'll move it to a new post today.

Last edited by Argo44; 11/12/22 03:38 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch