WARNING: however derilict doublegons are imported across our open borders, let the buyer beware...there are those here an elsewhere that are after your bucks, without regard to your personal safety or financial well being...

its really quite simple to protect yourself from these charletans...just follow old ed's basic rule of doublegun safety...if there aint .090 or more of metal in front of the chambers...pick up yo money an run like hell..you are dealin with a dullard, are even worst, ah plan ole crook...

a good test of who you are dealing with, when considering any far in gun, is to ax the seller if you can bring the gun to a qualified american gunsmith for barrel safety testing...this often involves firing the disassembled barrels remotely, using winchester proof loads...if your seller balks at that, ax why...if he agrees, that is a sign of good faith and concern for your well being...if you git a positive response, it can be considered as unnecessary to actually subject the gun again to the stress of proof loads...

be careful out there...and remember the 90 30 rule for doublegon happiness...

Last edited by ed good; 10/12/22 05:56 PM.

keep it simple and keep it safe...