Originally Posted by LeFusil
Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
So it's okay to use a turnscrew on a pin, in steel, and it's also okay to use it on a screw, in wood?

I wouldn't want to misuse the new turn screws, don't you know. As I understand it they are to be ground to fit the screws, and pins, on a particular gun. And, unless the slots are the same on another, should not be swapped around.?

I probably have 30+ turnscrews, all ground to fit most slots I come across. I’ve got a few specialty ones that I’ve made as well. I don’t think 3 that come in a kit are gonna cover it for all needs. Yes, fit them to work on a particular size slot.
I’ve found that most turnscrews that come in kits or even fancy ones found in cases aren’t what I’m looking for in a working tool.

Dustin notes correctly that turnscrews of many sizes are needed. In the following video the gunsmith is using a turnscrew that also shows that proper handle size and blade strength and size is important for the type of work needed on occasions. In this video a slip of the turnscrew will be costly.