Foxy: Oh, I like that one. Not to be confused with "augur"? I had always thought that "auger" was the one with the spiral flutes used to displace dirt, or even ice? FWIW: almost took a later M12 (in 20) instead of a double when I heard the dog wasn't coming, but I'd already packed things up for the trip.

craigd: Yea....this dog is more child than pet. I've never seen any snakes up there and I strongly doubt that we will up high like that, but of course, I've never hunted (haunted?) this part of the world when it was still warm. I'd even gotten special dispensation from the local hotelier for the pooch (not normally allowed). Oh does what one can. This should be an interesting scouting mission if nothing else. I'd say it will be nice to "get away from it all" except for the fact that it's a holiday and anywhere with water will likely be overrun by transplanted Californians.

CZ: Gallinaceous...meaning "chicken-like"! Thankyou for that as well (couldn't find the spelling anywhere).

Last edited by Lloyd3; 09/04/22 10:09 AM.