Originally Posted by mc
Ok keet another example, hypothetically I tossed a steel part in a bag with charcoal into water ,,nothing happened but a small splash no heat no reaction even though all the chemicals are present

Bingo mc.

Like a blind hog who cannot write or spell, you have stumbled upon the secret ingredient necessary for every chemical reaction in the universe. Heat energy is the magic ingredient. Heat precipitates and accelerates chemical reactions. Without heat, bone charcoal color case hardening would not be possible. Rust bluing would not be possible; neither the rusting, or the conversion of that ferric oxide hydrate (red rust) into ferro-ferric oxide (black oxide) by boiling in water. There's that boiling hot water again... crucial to our chemical reaction... just like it is in bone charcoal case hardening. The rust bluing boiling tank is a relatively slow and even process, which is what we want to get a nice even finish. The violent flash boiling that happens in the case hardening quench tank is extremely rapid and uneven... which is why the colors we seek are also random and uneven. Yep, it's a critical part of the complex chemical reaction that bone charcoal color case hardening depends upon.

Who knew that gunmakers and gunsmiths are so dependent upon chemistry and chemical reactions? Well, I knew that. Ed knew it too. Sorry you don't.

Nothing the Pharmaceutical industry produces would be possible without heat energy. Oil Refineries could place crude oil or petroleum products in a catalytic cracker without heat, and there will be no chemical reaction to break down those long and complex molecular bonds to produce gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, asphalt, waxes, and dozens of other byproducts. Mix iron ore, limestone, coke and other metals together in a cold furnace and you will never see the spectacular and violent reaction that turns those chemicals into cast iron, or into the carbon steel we use for shotgun frames and gun barrels. Steel making is nothing but a huge, dirty, and dangerous chemical reaction. Heat energy is responsible for the photons that create light, which are necessary for the chemical reaction known as photosynthesis in green plants. Take away all heat by bringing any combination of chemicals to zero degrees Kelvin (absolute zero), and all chemical reactions stop. Totally. All molecular activity stops in the complete absence of heat energy....

.... kind of like the brain activity you use to try to bring Ed down to your level. Now stop being foolish. And mind your manners. Gladys Kravitz is watching you.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.