I've come into the possession of information (about both fish and birds) that is sorely-tempting me to deviate from my normal start of the small game season here. Doves have traditionally been the September 1st kick-off, but this year....something different my be in the offing. While elk hunting last November, the son of the hunt manager (on the Ranching for Wildlife location we had drawn) made mention of the exceptional number of birds he'd encountered in a very specific a location while archery hunting earlier in the season. Blue grouse (now officially called "Dusky" by the twerps at the Division of Wildlife) out here are usually a hit or miss proposition at best. Lots of walking (mostly & rather-dramatically straight up and down) for very little shooting seems to be the rule normally but... it now seems I have a "pinpointed" location to actually go try. Combining that with additional (and very recent) first-hand information about a high-mountain lake (in the same general vicinity) that is reported to have been successfully stocked (for several years now) with easily-caught artic grayling and you have the makings of either a serious boondoggle or a fairly exotic cast & blast opportunity. Fishing here lately (& in general), has been overrun by the hordes of refugees from both coasts (but mostly the left one), so I've let my flyrods languish for the past few summers. Perhaps it's time to dig out a little bamboo and a subgauge shotgun and go for a walk?

Last edited by Lloyd3; 08/01/22 09:23 AM.