Originally Posted by keith
It may be too late for the UK and European Union hunters to reverse the tide. Nothing they have given up has been enough. And the only real hope for hunters here is to take a hard stand against it before it reaches the point of no return. Giving in to the wacko Liberal Left is just plain dumb. They will never be satisfied until guns and hunting are totally eliminated.

Just look to our north. Trudeau and the Liberals in Canadian Parliament are on the verge of freezing all sales of new and existing handguns, and implementing a mandatory buy-back of the semi-automatic rifles they hate. So much for the misguided notion that we can persuade the opposition to see things our way. The concept of learning from history is totally lost on some.

I have lots of disagreements with Keith but foundationally, the disagreements are with our methods, not our understanding of the problem. Keith is absolutely correct in the quote above. There is NO compromise that will ever be enough, on guns and on hunting. Those we stand against will only be satisfied when there are no guns in private hands and no hunting of game allowed.

Give no inch, ever, on any kind of gun. Or any type of hunting that respects the game, private property and public access to public land.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia