If a price is unreasonable then the gun just sits. I'm guessing that poly-choked M12 16 will be available for a long time on GI. Ed Good makes a fairly pragmatic point here(!), seasonal changes and supply & demand will cause many markets to oscillate (including old guns). There is also the theory of market saturation (as most older hunters already have too-many guns) and then...evolving use (fewer young hunters coming-on to buy these great old tools, combined with diminishing opportunities to hunt). I'm fine-tuning my present battery of guns at, shall-we-say... the maturation-end of my hunting career. I might get to play for a long time now or it might be abbreviated by some malady (most-likely health-related, but political or even economic conditions could screw things up as well). My crystal ball just doesn't work all that well anymore so... I'm just feeling my way through this. A good problem to have, right? Assuming everything continues onward in a fairly steady-state in this country of ours, then the tools of my little hunting hobby/lifestyle should serve me well into my dotage. A long-term continuation of this ammunition shortage we're presently experiencing, however, or something like the lead-ban in the United Kingdom happening here could really wreck the program. (I'm sure I'm over-thinking this.)

Last edited by Lloyd3; 05/28/22 04:04 PM.