Lloyd, we don't have anything like the snow in your photo. However, looking out my window, the lawn is now mostly white and big flakes floating down. However, it's scheduled to be in the 40's tomorrow.

Strange weather. We'll have a couple nice, early spring days, then a couple more days of winter. But we'd love to send you some of our moisture. We had a lot more snow this year than last. And quite a bit of rain on warmer days. We're WAY ahead when it comes to moisture.

And Ted, farmers should be happy if they're growing corn. They may need to plant later using seed that matures quicker. But the market should be good to them. Ukraine is a major corn producer, and that won't be happening. Plus if E-15 is approved on an emergency basis for summer sale, the ethanol plants will be buying more corn. All of that, of course, at least partially offset due to higher fuel prices. But I'd think they should come out ahead. However, farmers always seem to lean in the pessimistic direction. And in view of the fact that they're at the mercy of Mother Nature in addition to global commodity markets, that's not hard to understand.

Last edited by L. Brown; 04/26/22 09:18 AM.