Originally Posted by BrentD
Amazing that it would clean up to show that much color.

What is the drop at the heel now? Most vintage doubles have too little drop for my taste, so I want to bend them down.

Brent, drop at the heel is now at 2 1/4”. Which means it started out at around 3”.

It’s interesting because the two Lindner Diamond Dalys I have both had DAH at around 2 1/4”. And the Lindner Daly model 118 is 2 1/2”. The stock bending that took place on the first restoration covered in the thread was really just putting some cast off into the stock.

We typically think of DAH as coming down over time but this is an example of it going the other way. My guess is Herr Lindner had specific views on what the DAH and DAC should be that were somewhat ahead of his time.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia