If anyone is interested, click on Authors Info & Affiliations for the locations of the authors on the link below
I might have missed a couple, but the repetitions were 2 contributors from Missoula, 2 from Chyenne, and 2 from the Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology Department, University of California, Santa Cruz ie. they are (almost) all at different institutions and no doubt the lead researcher from that institution. Only ONE was from Washington D.C., and BTW one from the American Eagle Research Institute in Apache Junction, AZ
Francis - do you know John Buchweitz in the Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, Michigan State University? You might look him up and share your thoughts regarding PhDs.

It would require a long walk fetching donuts for everyone if that's the author's contribution wink

This is a pre-publication abstract released today from the NEJM; there are 12 authors listed (and et al ) from 12 different institutions