Living in a dairy farming area as I do I had w word with a Farmer friend about water buffalo and Mozzarella cheese. Most of the Mozzarella cheese we see today is made from cows milk though due to us Brits holidaying all over Europe and finding that Pizza made with Buffalo milk is far superior increasing demand for real Buffalo Mozzarella Cheese. This is starting to save the small Cheshire farmers from the dire straights they where in due to the UK joining the European union. According to my Farmer friend there are two European types of domesticated Water buffalo one that requires to spend time in water and the other that can take it or leave it, African Water Buffalo are Death on four legs so no chance of milking them though the domesticated breeds are large and can end your life if you are not careful with them. So as it stands today milking herds of water Buffalo are now springing up hear and in many European countries because of the high value of the milk. As like all farming enterprise when a animal is past its best a quick visit to the abattoir so horn becomes available though not in great quantities yet but growing.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!