1888 - Chicago. Jan. 26. The hardware house of Ignatius M. Pribyl, a heavy jobber in guns and cutlery, was closed by the sheriff to-day on a confession or Judgment tor. $48,392 in favor of Alanson Paxton, the American partner of Alfred Field & Co.. of New York and London. The total liabilities of Mr. Pribyl are thought to be between $90,000 and $100,000. The major portion of the indebtedness is to New York bouses. Alfred Field & Co. have for some time been backing Mr. Pribyl with stock and money, but of late the business has been unsatisfactory because of tbe illness of Pribyl and his absence in Colorado. His business methods, too, are said not to have been abreast of the times. The assets are nominally $75,000. Cincinnati, Jan. 26. .....


So, Alfred Field was involved which starts to explain a bit of it.....

