I distinctly remember a dressing down a Minnesota game warden gave a kid in the early 1980s on the topic. He said nobody, never, ever shoots more than a limit of birds or catches more than a limit of fish, in one day, in the state of Minnesota. If you have a possession limit on you, you had sure as hell better have some mechanism to prove they weren’t taken on the same day. A hotel receipt was a good start. But, if he saw you take more than a daily limit, you were going to jail, and he might invite you to the auction where they sold your gun and your truck, but, don’t count on it. The game warden did not need a warrant to inspect your freezer, search your vehicle, or come onto your boat or inspect your fish house. You had zero rights with him, and he knew it.
That said, the last game warden I encountered, in South Dakota, just asked me how I was doing, told me my dog was pretty, and wished me good luck. I know he saw my Minnesota license plates, and likely ran them before he got close enough to talk.

Bet my driving record is better than Steve’s.


Lions, Tigers and knuckleheads, oh my.