Larry, given the huge number of African tribes, I don't know how the colonialists could have created single ethnicity countries. For instance, modern Kenya is the size of California and contains 42 major tribes plus a number of smaller ones, many of which were and still are mutually hostile. And even large ones like the Maasai and the Somalis are divided into clans, often also at each other's throats; e.g. in the 1880's, the Purko Maasai nearly exterminated the Laikipiak Maasai. Forty or fifty countries in the space of Kenya would not be workable, even if the tribes had the will and organizational capacity to form stable multiethnic countries, which they did not. While there were some single ethnic nation states in Africa when the Europeans arrived, e.g. in Uganda and West Africa, I doubt if most of the continent was very different from Kenya. Of course, the same tribal situation pertained in much of the world that Europe colonized.