One nice thing about cold winter weather is that it gives us the time to catch up on things like cleaning and examining our guns. I really enjoy seeing some of Daryl's shotguns. I especially liked the engraving and workmanship on his Charles Giddings hammer gun. Wow!

Originally Posted by Roy Hebbes
P.S .
My Daugther resides in Prince George, B.C.and is currently facing the coldest Winter in 50 years .Minus 40.C. plus a recent 13 inch snow fall.Still there are many people who will not accept the fact that World temperature patterns are changing.

I don't know a single person who does not accept the fact of climate change. The climate has always changed, and what we see now is nothing new. Saying that Prince George, B.C. has the coldest temps in 50 years only confirms that they have had that sort of frigid weather before. Greenland has that name because it was warmer and greener in the distant past. Remains of Viking Longhouses emerging from melting glaciers were there before they were buried under hundreds of feet of ice. The Obama's didn't spend almost $12 million on a house on the beach at Martha's Vineyard because they really believe it will be under water in a decade, as predicted by Sky-is-Falling alarmists... such as the guy who wanted to make a wager with Ted about an economist's predictions about Biden caused inflation.

One thing that will never change is the abundance of hysterical scientists and researchers who often turn out to be totally wrong about things. The same people who cannot give a guaranteed accurate weather forecast two weeks out are 100% confident of their predictions for 20 years from now, and they ridicule those who dare to question them or cherry-picked data. The next global cooling cycle is going to be a lot more detrimental to humanity than the current minor changes.

I put a new set of studded snow tires on my truck a few weeks ago because I expect winter to be winter... same as usual around here. I just stepped outside, and it's snowing. Flintlock deer season is here!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.