Mike I feel that you should obtain the serial number, having this you can contact Purdey for the guns initial build specification and date of sale. Photograph of the guns barrel flats because they can also give its history though not so important to you folks over there though it will say a lot, the bore diameter 9 inches from the breech if it is a 12 bore any measurement over .740 at 9 inches means it will be out of British proof. Barrel wall thickness that will be your decision, as far as cases go my case is of the correct period but not the guns original though this does not matter a lot to many folks. Purchasing veteran guns can be a money pit but also a joy to own, another member has mentioned the stock I can tell you that a top craftsman made stock for one of these guns the cost will take your breath away by thinking you have purchased a house.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!