You’re always welcome James.

As an early adopter, I expect that they will be bringing in some handmade examples, for test rides at various ports of entry, four-wheel-drive training facilities. As I said previously, the American market is very competitive, and I don’t believe they want to blow it. They know what their volumes can be, and how much money they can make if they get a good competitive presence in the American market.

Sort of the way that Land Rover used to do it, I think Jeep still does it, perhaps others.

It’s just an expensive toy anyway.

I hope the rear doors are power assist, because I don’t want to have to set my bags of groceries down in order to open the door. LOL.

If you notice the width of the rear cargo area, it will be one of the few SUVs that allow for a double dog box.

Out there doing it best I can.