Roy, haven’t a copy of D. Baker’s book, does it lockup assisted with those U-shaped grooves on the sides of the frame/arms? Somewhere forward under the monoblock?

Surprised late 60's the geared headstock lathes (Colchester's?) w loose long sleeves, rings, ties - what can go wrong. No glasses neither at the surface grinder (always possible an eject could bounce off the L-shield and deflect off the grinder into the operator- BOOM! always sounds like a shotgun going off when it happens). All that's missing are gloves.

Parabola - can you share anything more about your intersection w the firm/factory?
Very "wedge-y" stock head. Looking at the images of the fully open action, I imagine myself in the field and inserting cartridges into the maw of that piece. Visions of my time of squad machine gun loading dance in my head. That said, all closed up the back half carries a bit of a classic Martini look - Interesting nonetheless.

Last edited by rrrgcy; 12/06/21 07:23 PM.