Here is a comment from Peter Powell, gunmaker, re balance of sidelocks and boxlocks:

"What are the merits of the two:
A Boxlock lasts as long as a Sidelock and some would argue that it is a lot more reliable. Due to its short stubby action length, it tends to feel heavier when finished to the same weight as a Sidelock. The feel of the best gun is all about weight distribution and the Sidelock spreads its action and locks over almost twice the area of a Boxlock, hence it feels more alive in your hands."

With the above in mind look at modern high end boxlocks in profile and you will notice that the makers have brought the trigger group forward nearer the receiver. The internal action tends to promote this layout, the sears are hinged on an axle at the back of the action thus allowing a forward m ove of the triggers. The sidelock design puts the sears and hence the triggers further back. One Italian maker told me that in his opinion having the triggers, and therefore the hand, closer to the action body aids handling. I have my doubts. It is not all about concentrating the weight in the smallest area possible. There is more at play here.

Last edited by Shotgunlover; 10/11/21 05:08 AM.