Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
Originally Posted by Ted Schefelbein
At one time, it was about turning the corner from a market hunting, or slob hunting mentality, to a sporting philosophy, and limiting the capacity of the gun to more closely match the limit.

Thanks Ted. Plainly put, thought control. Not that I favor market hunting being legalized, but big brother is always out to change the way of thinking of the masses to more align with their own.

Stan, I think it was actually an alliance of sportsman and conservation minded government that realized the way things were going, there would be more case studies similar to the Passenger Pigeon and the American Buffalo. Things were going the wrong way at the time. Not sure magazine plugs solved anything. Just what they came up with.

Originally Posted by lonesome roads
Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
Thanks Ted. Plainly put, thought control. Not that I favor market hunting being legalized, but big brother is always out to change the way of thinking of the masses to more align with their own.

Well, Stan, just collect a few more checks from ‘The Man’ and kick that revolution off.

Ted walks into the local spa/plastic surgery joint in Minneapolis and says, doc, make me a 10.
Doc gives him a good look over and hands him a can of window tint.

Being ugly, even real ugly, beats being you, hands down.


Being you and living in Detroit, facing Windsor? Heinous.