This may be an interesting topic to consider; do pitted barrels pattern better than smooth un-pitted barrels? I personally disdain pitted barrel tubes, but being that I collect and shoot vintage double guns and that such guns often have varying degrees of barrel pitting, is there a difference between the shooting qualities of those guns with pitted barrels and those with excellent bores. I haven't noticed any with the guns I've used but that could be attributed to the fact that my reloads use shot cups which serve to lessen pellet deformation. But, as regards pitted bores, I read a piece years ago (and I can't remember the source) whereby the author claimed that at one time some shooters subscribed to the theory that pitted barrels produced better patterns than un-pitted barrels; and further, that many such shooters often pissed thru their barrel tubes to hasten the pitting process. I've never been inclined to try this method myself; but has anyone experimented with and/or compared patterns produced by pitted vs. un-pitted barrels?