In my 67 odd years of shotgunning, if the original question is about a certain make and model of shotgun, going way back in time, both happen to be of WRA mfg. first, the Model 1893 pumpgun- next the M11 semi-autoloader-- known in some areas as the "Widow maker"--Thomas Crossley Johnson did a masterful job on the M12 (and M1912)-- but he sure fubared WRA;s attempt to bring out a reliable semi-auto to compete with the Browning Auto-5. Just my 2 cents worth.. Now, as to the acerbic remarks made here about "old Farmers"--I can see 2 sides to that. It is true that non-landowners who don't wrest a living from the land, fighting Nature and the "middlemen", whether they are involved in dairy, beef, swine, poultry or cash cropping--do not seem to understand the "farm way"-- they see equipment stored outdoors, gravelled 2 track roads, barns with roofing torn loose from severe weather, and wonder-- what they fail to grasp is the fact that farming ain't a 9 to 5 5 day a week career-- even hobby farms take long hours of work to pay off-the other side is that Farmers know better than any other group I am aware of how to be good neighbors- in order to survive, that is a flat out fact of life.Farmers are the best folks the Good Lord put on the face of the earth, and I am lucky to have so many of them as trusted friends. RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..