Appreciate the good wishes, thank you all. Using Cold Iron's map, I don't see any fires in the areas of interest to me, at least not yet. I do track weather conditions up there and I see that they at-least had some rain recently. I can't imagine that part of the world without lots of precipitation. This drought can't last forever.

ed, no doggies this year unless guests bring some. The ticks have gotten bad, even up there. Most folks want to wait until after some frost events before turning their beloved dogs loose anymore. Guns will be the usual mix of upland options (16s and 20s) and even a waterfowler 12 or two. My W. Richards 16 has slumbered all year awaiting this time. Always a treat to pull it from it's slip, slide a couple of RSTs into it's chambers and set off with it in the crook of my arm. I don't keep firearms up there anymore as the property sets empty most times now. Don't want to invite disaster. Since it has been so dry, perhaps some of the areas previously unavailable will be walkable this year? Hope springs eternal...

Last edited by Lloyd3; 08/28/21 08:17 PM.