Originally Posted by Buzz
Originally Posted by Brittany Man
Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
Lloyd, if your gonna serve bobwhite quail to Southern guests you should learn to cook grits and homemade biscuits. Fried quail, with those sides, are to die for. I know that grilled stuff sounds better (I enjoy it often, too), and more sophisticated, but it's hard to improve on fried bobs.
The best improvement to fried quail is to not serve them w/grits.

As a mater of fact, the only thing I like about grits is the satisfying "plop" they make when you scrape them off your plate into a trash can.
Cheese grits are good. Regular grits with sugar and cream are great, but that’s a YANKEE sort of change, I think 🤔 . I like grits, but gotta dr them up. Try some cheese grits Brittany Man..Yum!

I had cheese grits in New Orleans once. A waste of good cheese IMHO. I can eat grits w/ ham & eggs for breakfast if I need to avoid insulting someone when I'm down South (lots of butter & pepper) but to serve grits w/ a gamebird is an insult to the bird & especially to a quail.