My grandfather, uncles and father all taught me, at an early age, that the only safety you can trust when handing a firearm is the one located between your ears. ALL guns are loaded, and are to be treated with this in mind. Growing up, Dad never let me have a BB gun or a cowboy cap pistol-when he was growing up, one of his friends shot another boy in the eye playing cowboys and indians with their Daisy BB guns- thus paying the boy's membership dues in the Cyclops club. Nowadays we have the Hunter Safety program in MI for the lads starting out in the hunting-shooting activities-which is good, but good old common sense is still the best safety- "If a sportsman true you'd be, listen carefully my son to me-NEVER EVER let your gun, pointed be at ANYONE. That it may unloaded be, matters not the lest to me!"" RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..