Stan, you are indeed a very lucky man. Not only did you survive a near death by drowning a year or so ago (freak accident-granted) but knowing the make-up of many deputies, that Barney Fife "dipity" could just as well shot you for "interferring" .. about 6 years ago here, Nov. deer season- a buck crossed the road at night right in front of my daughter's house and was hit by a passing truck, which kept going. My son-in-law called the Sheriff's 911- number- and waiting for the patrol car- the deer was lying on their front yard, still breathing, but not able to get up. The deputy told him that if my son-in;law had shot the deer to finish him off humanely, he would have to put his season tag on it to claim it, for the meat-but if the deputy finished him off, the meat would go to a public food bank- so my son-in-law put down his .30-30 and watched- the Deputy emptied his Glock into the deer's neck at close range, Jeff could see the grass clumps exploding around the deer, but as soon as the Deputy dumped his mag and reached for a fresh one, the deer got up and ran slowly away--RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..