
I am half past 67. I am actually better health now than a number of years ago. Most folks say I do not look that age. Here is how I have come around. I started lifting hand weights about a year ago. When I first started in could barely do it 10 times a side. Now 90-100 times each side. I do this 5-6 days a week. Working various muscles. I now walk with my wife 1 1/2 -2 miles 5-6 days a week. Also floor exercises. Not heavy stuff, more toward lifting legs, back and stomach muscles.

George. I read in a health magazine that is is common as we age is a loss of balance, which accounts for more broken hips and other various bones due to falls. I was doing exercises to help my balance, but dropped the ball on this one. I was noticing a difference. I need to restart this again. These are very simple and easy stuff. My biggest problem was procrastination.

Now you have my input. Stay well all

John Boyd

John Boyd
Quality Arms Inc
Houston, TX