I would have to disagree with Researcher. The worst Cabella's I have been to is in Avon, Ohio.

Remember when Cabella's had a great upland section? This is even before the gun libraries and when the only retail store was in Nebraska. I was checking out at that store (it must have been in the 80's sometime) when I struck up a conversation with the person behind me. He traveled to Nebraska from France just to buy a boat load of stuff there. He was so impressed with it, as was I. That was really a great store back then. I also remember when the Dundee, Michigan store opened. What a great place. The gun library there even had 2 inch, 12 bore ammo. Years ago I bought a very nice AYA No. 2 there for the right price. IMO and way before the Bass Pro takeover, that store, along with the Library, started to go downhill. Every year was worse. What was originally an "end destination" for us, being a 3 hour drive away, became a "drive by" location on our way to northern Michigan for our grouse hunts. I have probably passed that store, without stopping, for the past 6 or 7 years.