How do you time the beginning? Is it when the first shot is fired? There is a groundswell that began at an undetermined date, and is growing in scope and in fervor. History may well mark the first shots fired by gun owners as the beginning, much the same as it was at a sacred place called Lexington, Mass. where first blood was shed in the war to rid a certain tyrant's foot from the neck of men who only desired freedom and liberty. I suppose the British government thought our forefathers were grandstanding too ...........until April 19, 1775 (the anniversary of which is a mere 5 days away). It was a big mistake on their part to underestimate the "peasants", and it will be a big mistake again. Our forefather's blood still flows in our veins, and we remember, vicariously, what it feels like to have a tyrant.

May God bless America and those who defend her.